Patient Resources

Please visit these other websites to learn more about your health and your endocrine system. Being informed can go a long way towards a healthy life!

Hormone Health Network – Research many endocrine-related diseases and conditions.

Family Doctor – an excellent site for general medical information

WebMD – another great resource for learning and research

The Mayo Clinic – more great answers from a trusted name

Eat Right – The Nutrition Source – good diet information for everyone, especially useful for diabetic patients

My Fitness Pal – a must have calorie tracker for those trying to lose weight; free apps for iPhone, Android, and Blackberry, as well as free to use online

DASH – everything you need to know about the essential diet for lowering your blood pressure

MyPlate – today’s version of the old “food pyramid” that includes a calculator that will make recommendations for total calories, protein, etc… (provided by the US Department of Agriculture)